Call For Papers
- Artificial Intelligence
- Software Engineering
- Communication and Networking
- Scalable Computing
- Embedded systems
- Smart Grids
- Distributed and Grid Computing
- Green Technologies
- Signal Processing
- Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
- Robotics / Control Systems
- Industrial Automation
- Industrial / Power Electronics
FIT 2013, commencing on 16th December 2013 for three days, promises to be another exciting event. FIT 2013 will have the honor to host leading IT researchers not only from Pakistan but also from rest of the world. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following;
FIT2013 welcomes high-quality submissions on the fields indicated above. The maximum length for paper is 6 pages in the two-column IEEE conference format. The papers submitted to FIT 2013 should not be under consideration in any other conference or journal.
Important Dates:
Technical Paper/Tutorial Proposals/PhDSymposium Paper due: June 30,2013 July 22,2013
Notification of Acceptance: September 30,2013
Camera Ready due: October 20,2013
Conference Dates: December 16~18,2013
For paper submission date is over, Submissions are not accepted anymore.