Keynote Address
There is an emerging trend of the convergence of network science and data science, though neither of them is new. During the past decade, we have witnessed the exponential growth of data in almost all domains in industry and society, including e.g. healthcare, research, finance, transportation, and education. With increasing availability of big data, data science has been recognized as one major driving force for next-generation innovation, economy, and education. Network science has been well developed over the past few decades, and it is still exploding. Networks are everywhere. Network science has become increasingly important for understanding and dealing with complex real-world phenomena. The convergence of network science and data science will bring us not only unprecedented potentials, but also a lot of new and big challenges. This talk will introduce some recent advances in this direction.
Dr. Feng Xia is currently a Professor in School of Software, Dalian University of Technology, China. He is founding Director of The Alpha Lab (, Head of Department of Cyber Engineering, and Assistant Dean of School of Software. He is/was on the Editorial Boards of over 10 int’l journals. He has served as the General Chair, PC Chair, Workshop Chair, or Publicity Chair of over 30 int’l conferences, and PC Member of over 50 conferences. He is also the Guest Editor of over 10 journal special issues. Dr. Xia has authored/co-authored two books (research monographs published by Springer), over 240 scientific papers in int’l journals and conferences (such as IEEE TC, TMC, TBD, TCSS, TPDS, TETC, THMS, TVT, TII, TIE, IEEE/ACM TON, ACM TOMM, WWW, JCDL, MobiCom, and INFOCOM) and 3 book chapters, and has edited 3 int’l conference proceedings and 5 books (in Chinese). His name has been included on Elsevier’s Most Cited Chinese Researchers for three consecutive years (2014-2016). Dr. Xia received a number of awards, including e.g. WWW 2017 Best Demo Award and IEEE UIC 2013 Best Paper Award. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and ACM, and a Member of AAAS.