Camera Ready Submission

   Please follow the instructions carefully for camera-ready paper submission.

  • All accepted papers will be given a maximum length of 6 pages (including figures, tables and references) in the conference proceedings. The paper should be in standard IEEE format. Papers with more than 6 pages will be excluded from the conference.
  • Changes in the authors list are not allowed.
  • At least one author of this paper is required to present the paper in person during the conference. Failure to present the paper in the conference may result in its removal from the conference proceedings.
  • All accepted papers will be checked for similarity index.
  • The deadline is November 06, 2023. This is a hard deadline and no extension is possible

Online Camera Ready Submission Link

You will first need to create a new account before you can access the FIT 2023 author kit site. When signing in, please go to the text "Sign Up" to the right of the text "Log In" to create an account.  Please note this is separate from your IEEE membership login.

Once you have created an account, login and click through the left column of tabs to view information on:

  •  paper ID
  •  paper page limits
  • submission deadlines
  • Formatting
  •  PDF eXpress paper validation and PDF file creation

For PDF eXpress, use Conference ID# 60620

To access the copyright and paper submission process, click "Next" at the top right of the screen.

If you are having difficulty submitting either copyrights or your accepted papers, please forward your questions or concerns to: Martha Hernandez (Proceedings Production Editor, CPS, IEEE Computer Society) at Please include the conference's acronym (FIT 2023) in the subject field.

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